Data Cake
Welcome to Datacake, your recipe for success.
Datacake is a completely independent application, you don't need any other database software to use the program; it will quickly and efficiently store all the information you need to run your business in an organized and professional way. The software will automatically calculate the required ingredients for any cake size from five to sixteen inches based on your recipe for an eight inch cake, it will calculate the price of any order or quotation for any number or type of cake in less than a second, store details of all past orders and quotations, produce an invoice or quotation and many more functions at the click of a button. Datacake has additional features such as profit reports for completed orders, projected profit reports for pending orders, sales reports, orders required by date reports to keep you informed of orders due for completion, customer and prospect lists and many other functions including mailout routines to contact your old clients and prospective clients on the anniversary of their order, automatic invoice and quotations etc.
The system is fast and simple to use with an intuitive layout giving you access to all your client and prospect details. Tasks which have always been handled manually using ledgers or spreadsheets are automated saving time and giving access to invaluable management information to help you run your business to its best advantage, and leaving you time to concentrate on your real job.
Tina Brogan
